Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Again, it’s been a while since I wrote. Probably because the world is full of things and I don’t find most of them interesting. The New Year has changed a lot of things, mainly the calendars and the date. Apart from that, no other change is so obvious.

 It’s the 2nd of January 2012, the first working day of the year. I was pretty excited for no apparent reason. I woke up half an hour earlier than usual and got ready for office.
Clicked the beautiful hazy sun. Well, still we ended up getting a little late because my roommate (who also drives me to office everyday) was sleepwalking at 8 in the morning. We started late and were driving at around 50kmph. For some reason, I didn’t want to be late to office on the first day of the year and I was going to tell my friend to drive faster. Before I could open my mouth we drove past a crushed dog or what remained of it on the road. It was such a weird experience, I sat back and thought “I don’t give a damn if I get late, it is just another day”. Life is too fragile to burden it with silly philosophies and unreasonable bullshit. Life is too small to run behind jobs, people who don’t care and everything that won’t make a difference if you died this moment. Living life the way it comes is the only favor you can do to yourself.

Well, on the way back home, I saw this little kid. In school uniform, water bottle around her neck and a hand kerchief pinned on her dress. She was crying and considerably angry. Three other kids were consoling her and I overheard the conversation. The gist was that the kid had come home after her school and there was nobody home. Her mom showed up soon after and the kid went in as though nothing had happened. I know that a child’s innocence is of the child’s alone but it is something to be adored and admired. I wondered what would have happened if I had come home and my roommates had locked me out for an hour. Would I smile at them when they came back? I am not sure. Life again is too short to hold grudges and waste your emotions over random acts of stupidity.

 I was a little upset today over some things. I didn’t get call backs from some, my work didn’t get noticed, my requests got ignored etc. Now that I think of it, it was nobody’s fault. Expectation is the culprit. Like Buddha said “if you do root-cause analysis for depression, every node end is Expectation”. There is no doubt that you will have to live with it, but it is left to you whether to live on it.

So, go live your life, read some book, travel or do whatever that pleases your inner self. World is just a part of your life and not the other way round.

I must tell I am no saint and not preaching. I am gonna forget these feelings soon and new ones will take over. I wrote this for myself, so that someday when I read it again it will help me stay afloat. If it does anything similar to you, that will be a bonus for me.

Cheers! And I wish your year is full of life and fulfilling.


Life goes on.. said...

Life is too fragile to burden it with silly philosophies and unreasonable bullshit. Life is too small to run behind jobs, people who don’t care and everything that won’t make a difference if you died this moment. Living life the way it comes is the only favor you can do yourself -

True. So true. And just like you, I am gonna come back and read this post when I need to realize that if I really die this very moment there are very few things that are gonna matter.

veer said...

Abe new year,,,,,,
Every beginning is d starting of its ending... & every ending is d starting of a new beginning....