Saturday, November 20, 2010

Being the Second!
Disclaimer: This is not a generalization or a viewpoint of any set of people. It is just my personal way of looking at it!
Hi! Thanks for bearing with the disclaimer part, sometimes it is good to make such things clear : )
I have heard quotes like “The winner stands alone” “The loser shall rise” etc. etc. But what about the second best or the second rank holder or the silver medalist? Even though he is just next to the best he is not recognized enough!
Maybe its all about being “the next to best”.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

“Life isn’t Fair” this is probably the most common thought in my head these days. Well, whether it is fair or not, there is no way to know now. So chuck it… oh yeah, that’s another favorite line these days “Chuck it”. As you might have guessed I turned 21 recently. It put me in to thinking, what’s special about it? Like sweet 16 or 18, when the signature you’ve been practicing finally gets a value or the end of ‘teen’age when you turn 20. And I know I am pretty incoherent… again the reason is 21!
Well, I did realize that at 21 you are officially eligible for Marriage in India… then I realized that it is not that exciting because you cannot do it alone. Ok, let us leave the crap here; since I am in twenties now, people expect me to be a little more matured. I thought I would give it some serious thought!